About This Program
Family Support Services assists families of people with developmental disabilities with the goal of maintaining their family member within the family unit through a variety of services. Services include: Supplemental Group Day Habilitation, Respite Services, In-Home Respite Services, Site-Based Respite, Respite Voucher Reimbursement Program.
Get Started
Connect Team
(516) 336-5909 Extensions 207 and 242
Supplemental Group Day Habilitation Program
ACLD’s Strive Program is a Medicaid Waiver Service providing Supplemental Group Day Habilitation to adults who are Medicaid eligible and approved for services through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Our program location supports people living in Nassau County and Western Suffolk County who reside with their family or in Family Care. Strive offers recreational, educational and volunteer opportunities based on individual interests and preferences. Strive hours of operation are Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. Transportation is provided.
Respite Services
ACLD’s Respite Services offer temporary relief of care responsibilities to primary caregivers with family members who have developmental disabilities living in the home. ACLD offers opportunities for respite services in the home or at our site-based location. Respite Services can be provided to people with a documented developmental disability who meet OPWDD eligibility requirements. Respite Services can be provided only to individuals residing at home with their family.
Additional Services
In-Home Respite is available to both children and adults. ACLD hires Respite Counselors who come to the family home to temporarily relieve the primary caregiver of their responsibility. ACLD has Respite Counselors on staff, or the family may refer a trusted person that ACLD can hire if the individual meets has the requirements to hold the position.
Site Based Respite is available to adults and takes place on site at an ACLD facility. This service is offered in the evenings on Thursdays and Fridays, year-round. Dinner is included and transportation can be provided within Nassau County and Western Suffolk County. Social and recreational activities are offered to attendees.
Our Respite Voucher Reimbursement Program is available to children without Medicaid to hire their own Respite Counselor and be reimbursed up to $1000 per year through an OPWDD grant. Families may only use one agency’s reimbursement program per year and must complete the Grant receipt to request funds.
The Family Member Training provides information, referrals, life planning assistance, and transition planning awareness to individuals with intellectual and or developmental disabilities and their families seeking services to enhance their lives. Family member training also provides information and referrals to local schools, hospitals and other agencies.
Support Our Services
Your gift helps ACLD to continue building for the future while maintaining the quality of services it provides