Adult Services Adult services are offered to individuals ages 21 and over

About This Program

ACLD provides services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, such as residential homes and independent living, day services supported employment, health services and family support services.

Get Started

Connect Team

(516) 336-5909 Extensions 207 and 242

Residential Services

ACLD offers a variety of residential opportunities for men and women who are ready to take on a more independent role in a home of their own, with and without supervised support services.

Day Services

Day Habilitation is a Medicaid Waiver service providing individuals with a meaningful path to community participation and to achieve life goals as identified in their Life Plan and Day Habilitation plan. Meaningful activities are created and developed to align with an individual’s interests and talents. Services and supports are provided to encourage independence and enhance skills in the following areas:

  • Personal and Health care
  • Basic Safety
  • Money Management
  • Job Readiness
  • Socialization/Communication
  • Public Transportation

Program locations support individuals who reside in Nassau County or western to central Suffolk County. This program is available to those who are Medicaid-eligible and approved for services through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Programs operate from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday to Friday year-round. Door-to-door transportation is provided.

About Our Programs

Community Residences

The Supervised Individual Residential Alternative Program provides twenty-four-hour supervised living opportunities in 47 homes throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties. People are provided with structured daily living support that enhances their growth and development. Residents are encouraged, guided and supported as they work, travel and interface within their communities. All activities and goals are designed to create an enviable life for each person supported. We currently support over 400 adults in our supervised settings.

Supportive Individualized Residential Alternative Program

The Supportive Individualized Residential Alternative Program provides independent apartment living for adults. There are 36 apartments throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties. People either share or live alone in an apartment in the community and are provided support staff based on their individual needs. Through this program, residents gain the necessary skills to live, work and interact within their communities as independently as possible. The ultimate goal of this program, and for each person supported, is to become completely independent of staff support. This program currently supports 64 people.

Community Habilitation Program

The Community Habilitation Program provides habilitation services within a person’s private home. The number of hours provided by staff varies based on each person’s needs. One of the main goals of this program is to increase a person’s independence while also providing support to both the person supported and their family. This program encourages people to strive to live independently in the community with minimal staff support.

Housing Subsidy

The Housing Subsidy provides financial assistance to people who possess the skills necessary to live independently but require minimal financial support to live on their own. The amount of financial assistance a person receives is based upon a review of their income and their expenditures.

Satellite Program

The Satellite Program provides community habilitation services on a fee-for-service basis to those who do not have Medicaid.

For more information regarding ACLD’s Residential Services, please contact ACLD’s Administrator of Day and Residential Admissions at (516) 336-5909 Extension 470.

Center-Based Day Habilitation

ACLD’s Art Studio Program offers art classes to explore a variety of mediums, styles and genres. The art classes create opportunities to learn, explore, grow, express and enhance skills and interests in art.  The art studio program is open to all ACLD’s day programs.  The artist explores the arts through painting, drawing, pottery/ceramics, paper-mâché,  photography, jewelry- making and using a sewing machine to create and express their unique style.  The art studio experience travels beyond the walls of the studio to the local museums, galleries, local art shows and other art studios across Long Island.  We invite many local artists to be honorary guests at our studio, and they lead classes both online and in person.    

Choices is designed to promote independence and productivity through participation in meaningful activities. Instruction is provided to help organize and support the individual’s participation in community-based activities. A wide range of volunteer work experiences and site-based activities are available to foster community connections. Clinical support in areas of nursing and psychology is also available on-site at these programs on a daily basis.

Connections is designed for individuals who have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder or present similar strengths/challenges.

Golden Opportunities is designed for individuals who are aging and/or medically frail.

Community-Based Day Habilitation

B.L.U.E. (Balanced, Living, Unlimited, Exploration) is an innovative, creative, technology-progressive day program.  This program is located in Deer Park and provides support and services to 30 adults diagnosed with autism. Meaningful activities are created, explored and developed to align with an individual’s interests and talents.  The new 5,000-square-foot building was constructed with a specialized focus in mind. The program has a multi-functional sensory zen room, a media arts center, a yoga /fitness center, an art studio and a culinary arts kitchen.  B.L.U.E. has several unique features coupled with traditional community and volunteer opportunities, as well as recreational activities that foster connections with peers and the community.

Bridges and Oasis are designed to promote independence, integration and productivity through a wide range of volunteer work experiences in the community. Five hub sites are situated in local community neighborhoods through Nassau and Western Suffolk Counties, allowing for easy community access.

Program Without Walls offers the same opportunities as Community-Based Day Habilitation, focusing on individuals who have greater independence.

Community Participation Opportunities in all ACLD Day Habilitation Programs

Men and women across all the sites participate in a variety of volunteer opportunities in their communities. ACLD currently works with the following community partners:

  • Meals on Wheels
  • Nursing Homes
  • The Salvation Army
  • Senior Centers
  • Goodwill
  • Day Care Centers
  • North Shore Animal League
  • Food Shopping for Homebound
  • Bide-A-Wee
  • Libraries
  • Coalition Against Child Abuse & Neglect
  • Bowling
  • Island Harvest
  • Donation Delivery (Clothing, Food)
  • LI Cares
  • Basketball Leagues
  • YMCA
  • Museums

For more information, please contact our Connect Team at (516) 336-5909 Extensions 171, 242, and 370.

For information regarding Vocational Services, Transition from School to work, Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation (DVE), Job Development Services, Job Coaching, Travel Training, Supported Employment, Community Pre-Vocational Services, please visit the Employment Services Page

The Family Member Training provides information, referrals, life planning assistance and transition planning awareness to individuals with intellectual and or developmental disabilities and their families seeking services to enhance their lives. Family member training also provides information and referrals to local schools, hospitals and other agencies.

Supplemental Group Day Habilitation Program

ACLD’s Strive Program is a Medicaid Waiver Service providing Supplemental Group Day Habilitation to adults who are Medicaid eligible and approved for services through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD.)  Our program location supports people living in Nassau County and Western Suffolk County who reside with their family or in Family Care. Strive offers recreational, educational and volunteer opportunities based on individual interests and preferences.  Strive hours of operation are Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. Transportation is provided.

Respite Services

ACLD’s Respite Services offer temporary relief of care responsibilities to primary caregivers with family members who have developmental disabilities living in the home. ACLD offers opportunities for respite services in the home or at our site-based location. Respite Services can be provided to people with a documented developmental disability who meet OPWDD eligibility requirements. Respite Services can be provided only to individuals residing at home with their family.

In-Home Respite is available to both children and adults.  ACLD hires Respite Counselors who come to the family home to temporarily relieve the primary caregiver of their responsibility.  ACLD has Respite Counselors on staff, or the family may refer a trusted person that ACLD can hire if the individual meets the requirements to hold the position.

Site Based Respite is available to adults and takes place on-site at an ACLD facility.  This service is offered in the evenings on Thursdays and Fridays, year-round.  Dinner is included, and transportation can be provided within Nassau County and Western Suffolk County.  Social and recreational activities are offered to attendees.

Our Respite Voucher Reimbursement Program is available to children without Medicaid to hire their own Respite Counselor and be reimbursed up to $1000 per year through an OPWDD grant.  Families may only use one agency’s reimbursement program per year and must complete the Grant receipt to request funds.

ACLD’s Article 16 Clinic, located in both Bethpage and Hauppauge, provides Speech, Counseling, Occupational and Physical Therapy. All clinicians are certified and licensed through New York State. In 2023, 60 people received services through Article 16.

Oyster Bay Gardens

Oyster Bay Gardens, LLC, an affordable integrated community for seniors and adults with developmental disabilities, offers 48 one-bedroom units in a state-of-the-art apartment complex located on the ACLD Bethpage campus. The property is managed by Einsidler Management, Inc.

For more information please contact the Einsidler Management, Inc. office at (631) 752-1414 ext 326 or email